Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 4)

9 Oct
"There has never been a shortage of people willing to make other people suffer so they can build a monument to themselves."
8 Oct
"Paper Apps are a fun, smart alternative to screen time. Check out our solo games like DUNGEON and GOLF, as well as gamified tools like TO•DO and NUTRI•TRACK. For the full experience, we recommend grabbing a couple of Pencil Dice as well!"
8 Oct
"More convenient than a new hobby!"
7 Oct
"If you want readers to do something, tell them what it is."
7 Oct
"vexing equations with missing variables and euphemistic names. There are numbers everywhere, and they mean nothing"
7 Oct
"all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less."
20 Sep
Remakes and sequels are "... enterprises very purposefully stood up for the specific intent of reminding us how great those previous experiences were. “Remember this?” each movies asks. “Wasn’t it great? Here it is again.” It’s as if, instead of sending us on a new holiday abroad, they’re showing us a carousel of vacation slides from great trips we took many years ago. The only “new” thing here is the sale of another movie ticket."
20 Sep
"A new YouGov study reveals exactly how positively and negatively the population perceives various descriptions to be."